SUT. The NeverRest Worker’s Uniform
The inaccessibility of proper equipment is a serious problem. Often, they use clothes given by other climbers or are forced to buy low-quality imitations in Kathmandu, known as 'North Fake,' which do not have the same properties and are much heavier. At the same time, can we distinguish a sherpa climber on the mountain? It’s difficult to recognize if someone is a sherpa or a Westerner with full gear. Recognition and visibility on the mountain are essential. Sherpas, born and raised in Nepal or Tibet, have a physiological adaptation and a deep knowledge of the terrain, making them indispensable for the success of expeditions. For this reason, they deserve greater respect, recognition, and authority for their experience and unique skills—something they do not always receive at present.
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Final Degree Thesis
Sara González de Ubieta
Jéssica Fernández
Product Design
Apparel Design
Brand Identity
Graphic Design
Creative Direction
The NeverRest Project
Velcro Brand
IBQ Fabrics
Creative Direction: Manel Cano, Laura Palacios
Art Direction: Laura Palacios
Photography: Manel Cano
Photo Assistant: Biel de Miguel
Post Production: Nerea Asorey Fraile
Model: Jonathan Ramos